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Save up to 91% on your invoice handling costs with SAP accounts payable automation

Enable the best in class Artificial Intelligence with AMP Invoice Management to revolutionise your SAP® invoice processing.
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Accurate AI Automation​

Capture all your invoice data electronically and automate extraction, matching, and posting with Artificial Intelligence by AMP Invoice Management.

Eliminate Human Error

Eliminate manual work and let AI cover repetitive tasks. AMP minimizes exception handling and error correction through the benefits of machine learning technology.

Cut Processing Costs

Invoice handling can cost up to €30,- per invoice for SAP® customers. AMP Invoice Management reduces your handling costs by up to 91% through the power of AI automation.

How AMP automates invoice processing

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Automatic efficiency with AMP Invoice Management

Companies lose substantial amounts of money due to inefficient manual invoice processing. Errors are made on entry, but also cash discount opportunities are missed and late fees are incurred due to long invoice processing times.

The artificial intelligence driven invoice automation provided by AMP Invoice Management significantly speeds up tasks and eliminates errors. The result is an efficient and less labor-intensive invoice processing workflow enabling you to better seize early payment discounts and prevent late payment charges through faster invoice processing.

Capture all your invoice data electronically and automate extraction, matching and posting, and accelerate the invoice processing cycle with AMP Invoice Management.

Automatic efficiency with AMP Invoice Management

Companies lose substantial amounts of money due to inefficient manual invoice processing. Errors are made on entry, but also cash discount opportunities are missed and late fees are incurred due to long invoice processing times.

The artificial intelligence driven invoice automation provided by AMP Invoice Management significantly speeds up tasks and eliminates errors. The result is an efficient and less labor-intensive invoice processing workflow enabling you to better seize early payment discounts and prevent late payment charges through faster invoice processing.

Capture all your invoice data electronically and automate extraction, matching and posting, and accelerate the invoice processing cycle with AMP Invoice Management.

SAP accounts payable automation in numbers

91% Invoice handling cost reduction

81% Faster invoice processing time

90% Cash discount realization rate

Discover how you can automate your invoice processing

Frequently asked questions

AMP supports the posting of vendor invoices and credit notes. With or without reference to a purchase order.
Electronic documents, for example email attachments in PDF format, or scanned paper documents.
The document information is extracted by means of artificial intelligence and machine learning in combination with OCR technology. It is then presented in electronic format for further processing.
AMP intelligent invoice processing is fully integrated into SAP®. The master data in SAP® can be accessed directly. Functions, technologies, and messages available in SAP are sometimes used. No administrator has to be trained in new software, because AMP is completely integrated in SAP®.

Proud partner

AMP Invoice Management and Finmatics are proud partners. Leveraging the technology Avis Budget Group uses in the AMP Invoice Management solution and bringing the benefits of AI and Machine Learning technology into easy reach for SAP® customers.

Request a free demo

Schedule a meeting with an AMP expert today and discover the many features and possibilities of AMP in a short 30 minute consultation.

    * After we have received your information we will contact you within 2 business days to schedule a demo session.